For jobseekers
If you'd like to explore any of my active searches, please click the button below.
If you'd like to hear about new searches as soon as they're announced, please subscribe to Slesinger Job Alerts.
Finally, for a list of organizations I've worked with in the past, and the positions that were filled, please see Completed Searches.
Helpful reading and viewing
Even if you aren't exploring any of my current searches, I hope the articles and video below will be useful as you think about the next chapter of your career.
Whether you're looking for your first job in the nonprofit sector or brushing up rusty job-search skills, you also may want to consider reading my book, Search: Winning Strategies to Get Your Next Job in the Nonprofit World, which I wrote in response to the many people who ask me for advice about how to find good openings, write an effective resume, make a good impression at an interview, and handle other key steps to landing a great, new job.
Good luck, and enjoy the search!
Video on YouTube
Best Websites That List Job Openings in the Nonprofit Sector
Why Qualified Candidates Don't Always Get the Best Jobs
Establishing and Cultivating Your Network (Chapter 6 of my book, below)
Book (available at Amazon)
Search: Winning Strategies to Get Your Next Job in the Nonprofit World